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Work Done Is More In Adiabatic Or Isothermal Expansion

Work done is more in adiabatic or isothermal expansion

Work done is more in adiabatic or isothermal expansion

The reason is the isothermal expansion process uses the heat transferred from the surroundings to do its work, whereas for the adiabatic expansion Q=0 and the process uses the system's internal energy to perform its work.

Why is adiabatic work less than isothermal work?

The isothermal process has a slower transformation flow. The adiabatic process has a faster transformation flow. In an isothermal system, work done is because of the change in the net heat content of the system. In an adiabatic process, the work done is because of the change in internal energy.

Is work done in adiabatic expansion?

When an ideal gas is compressed adiabatically (Q=0), work is done on it and its temperature increases; in an adiabatic expansion, the gas does work and its temperature drops.

Does adiabatic or isothermal compression require more work?

Isothermal compression is significantly more energy efficient than adiabatic compression, but with the current standard compressor technologies isothermal compression is not possible as the compression process happens so fast.

Why work done is less in adiabatic process?

Complete step by step answer: , work done on it and its temperature increases and the gas does work and its temperature drops. Since, both Pressure and Temperature decreases hence pressure is less than the pressure of isothermal process. So, Work done in reversible adiabatic is less.

Which expansion work done is the greatest?

Hence, work done is maximum during an isobaric expansion curve.

Is there work done in isothermal process?

The work done in an isothermal process is due to the change in the net heat content of the system. Meanwhile, the work done in an adiabatic process is due to the change in its internal energy.

Is work done in isothermal?

In the isothermal compression of a gas there is work done on the system to decrease the volume and increase the pressure. Doing work on the gas increases the internal energy and will tend to increase the temperature. To maintain the constant temperature energy must leave the system as heat and enter the environment.

What happens to work in isothermal expansion?

One condition, known as an isothermal expansion, involves keeping the gas at a constant temperature. As the gas does work against the restraining force of the piston, it must absorb heat in order to conserve energy. Otherwise, it would cool as it expands (or conversely heat as it is compressed).

What does more work isothermal or isobaric?

For isobaric process, Some heat is used to increase the enthalpy of the system and remaining heat is converted into heat. Therefore work is higher in isothermal process than isobaric process.

Is work positive in isothermal expansion?

Since the expansion is isothermal and of an ideal gas, the change in internal energy is zero. This means q = -w and for a compression, w is positive. Therefore q must be negative.

Is work done zero in adiabatic process?

In a adiabatic process there is no external pressure for the gas to expand against, the work done by or on the system is zero. Since this process does not involve any heat transfer or work, the first law of thermodynamics then implies that the net internal energy change of the system is zero.

Is work done zero in isothermal process?

Assertion :The heat absorbed during isothermal expansion of an ideal gas gainst vacuum is zeor. Reason: In isothermal process, change in internal energy is always zero, irrespective of ideal or real gas.

Why is work done maximum in isobaric process?

The area under isobaric expansion is the maximum. Thus, the highest work done will be by the isobaric expansion.

In which case the work done is more?

When the direction of force is similar the direction of motion, and hence, the work done is maximum.

Which work is more isothermal or adiabatic or isobaric?

In the isothermal process, the heat is given by surrounding for work done whereas the heat change is zero in the adiabatic process so, the work done in the isothermal process is greater than the work done in the adiabatic process.

In which situation is work done maximum?

If the applied force is in one direction and the displacement of the body is in the opposite direction, then work done is minimum as COS 180 is equal to minus one. This is the minimum possible work done and work done is maximum when force and displacement are in the same direction.

Is work negative in isothermal expansion?

Therefore, isothermal expansion is the increase in volume under constant-temperature conditions. In this situation, the gas does work, so the work is negatively-signed because the gas exerts energy to increase in volume.

What is work done in adiabatic system?

The equation for an adiabatic process can be derived from the first law of thermodynamics relating to the change in internal energy dU to the work W done by the system and the heat dQ added to it. The work done dW for the change in volume V by dV is given as PdV.

Is work done in adiabatic process a path function?

Work-done in adiabatic processes is equal to the negative of change in internal energy from the first law of thermodynamics. So, it is a state function. The above process is path dependent. This is path independent, hence it is a state function.

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