Periodic Motion Vs Simple Harmonic Motion

Periodic motion vs simple harmonic motion
Simple harmonic motion is a periodic motion, but all periodic motions are not simple harmonic' - explain. Solution : The motion that repeats itself at regular intervals of time is called periodic motion.
Why SHM is called periodic motion?
Simple Harmonic Motion It is actually a periodic motion having some relation between the restoring force and displacement from the mean position. SHM is a special case of oscillation in which motion takes place along a straight line between the two extreme points.
Why are all periodic motion not an SHM?
Reason : The motion governed by the force law.
What is periodic but not simple harmonic motion?
The motion of a planet around the sun is a periodic motion but not a simple harmonic motion. All other given motions are the examples of simple harmonic motion.
What is meant by periodic motion?
A repetitive motion which repeats itself after a regular interval of time is called the Periodic motion.
What are the two types of periodic motion?
The two examples of the periodic motions are: Motion of pendulum clock. Motion of a swing.
What is called simple harmonic motion?
Simple harmonic motion can be described as an oscillatory motion in which the acceleration of the particle at any position is directly proportional to the displacement from the mean position. It is a special case of oscillatory motion.
What is the difference between SHM and oscillation?
Simple Harmonic Motion: Any motion that repeats itself after equal interval of time is called Simple Harmonic Motion. The relation F=−kx is always followed in this type of motion. Periodic Motion: If an object in periodic motion moves back and forth over same path, the motion is called Oscillatory motion.
How are harmonic function different from periodic function?
The main difference between simple harmonic motion and periodic motion is that periodic motion refers to any type of repeated motion whereas simple harmonic motion (SHM) refers to a specific type of periodic motion where the restoring force is proportional to the displacement.
Is periodic motion always oscillatory?
A periodic motion may or may not be oscillatory. For example, the motion of planets around the Sun is always periodic but not oscillatory. The motion of the pendulum of a clock is periodic as well as oscillatory. The oscillatory motion refers to the motion in which the object moves back and forth repeatedly.
Can a motion be oscillatory but not SHM?
Explain. Solution : Yes,when a ball is dropped from a height on a perfectly elastic surface,the motion is oscillatory but not simple harmonic as restoring force F=mg=constant and not F`alplha`x, which is an essential condition for SHM.
Which is not a example of simple harmonic motion?
A ball bouncing on the floor is not an example of a simple harmonic motion.
Is every oscillatory motion is SHM?
Hence, every oscillatory motion is not a simple harmonic motion.
Is Earth Rotation periodic motion?
Solution : The rotation of earth about its axis is periodic because it repeats after a regular interval of time. <br> The rotation of earth about is obviously not a to and fro type of motion about a fixed point, hence its motion is not SHM.
What are the 10 examples of periodic motion?
Periodic motion is defined as a motion that repeats itself at regular intervals. Examples of periodic motion. A rocking chair A vibrating tuning fork A bouncing ball
- A rocking chair.
- A vibrating tuning fork.
- A bouncing ball.
Is walking periodic motion?
Periodic and Cyclic Motion Analysis For instance, most human locomotory motions (e.g., walking running, skipping, shuffling) are periodic in a frame of reference that moves with the person.
Which is not an example of periodic motion?
An arrow released from a bow is not a periodic motion while all others are periodic motion.
Is a rocking chair SHM?
Simple harmonic motion is a special case of periodic motion. In the examples given above, the rocking chair, the tuning fork, the swing, and the water wave execute simple harmonic motion, but the bouncing ball and the Earth in its orbit do not.
Is clock an example of periodic motion?
The hands of the clock move in a circle about a fixed point. Hence, they definitely perform the circulatory motion. Since the hands of the clock are covering an equal distance in equal interval of times, we can call it a periodic motion.
How many types of periodic motion are there?
As per physics and mechanics, there are mainly 4 types of motion, i.e. Rotary Motion: A special type of motion in which the object is on rotation around a fixed axis like, a figure skater rotating on an ice rink.
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